
This guide will show you how to set up a project with the Zeta engine.

Compiling the Zeta library

Zeta uses the Gradle build tool. If you’re on Windows, open a command line and run ./gradlew desktop:dist in Zeta’s main folder. If you’re on a Unix system, run ./gradle desktop:dist instead. This will create the zeta-1.0.jar binary, which will be located in the desktop/build/libs folder.

Writing code with Zeta

In your IDE, make sure to add the Zeta jar file as a dependency to your project so that it can detect Zeta’s functions and provide hints. Alternatively, link it to Zeta’s source code so that you also get quick access to documentation.

Linking to Zeta for a base game

When compiling and running your project, make com.thirds.zeta.desktop.DesktopLauncher the main class, and put the Zeta binary in your game’s classpath. You should now be able to test Zeta. You don’t need to write any code at all at this point, Java should automatically invoke Zeta’s initialisation methods.

Linking to Zeta with mods

Zeta detects all mods in its classpath, so if you want to allow support for end-user mods as well as your game mod, make sure to run your game with a command like java -cp * com.thirds.zeta.desktop.DesktopLauncher rather than referencing a jar directly. End users can then place their own mods in the folder you added to the classpath.

Next Steps

Check out the modding guide page for more information on how to get started with Zeta!